ECE Undergraduate Laboratory
FED 101 - Fundamentals of Engineering Design

FED 101 - Fundamentals of Engineering Design

Lab 7: Arduino, Sensors and Peripherals

You will be building Arduino-based circuits with the help of a temperature sensor and a power relay.

In this experiment, you will write programs to make one LED blink, to make 8 LEDs turn on, one at a time, at different rates, and controlled by the status of a switch, and implement the guess the pattern game using two switches and 2 two-bit numbers.

Parts List:

Part 1– Temperature and humidity sensor, and relay

	#include <dht.h>  // include DHT11 Library

	dht DHT;

	#define pintemp 8  //  Signal pin of DHT11 connected to digital output 8
	int pinOut = 7; // Relay signal pin connected to digital output 7

	void setup(){
	  pinMode(pinOut, OUTPUT);
	  pinMode(pintemp, INPUT);

	void loop()
	  int chk = DHT.read11(pintemp);
	  Serial.print("Temperature = ");
	  Serial.print("  Humidity = ");
	  if (DHT.temperature <= 25){

		Serial.print("  status of pinOut= ");
	  else {

		Serial.print("  status of pinOut= ");



Execute the program given above, by adding one line to the if block and one line to the else block (note that the definition of the output pin for the relay is going to be used to control the LED), so that an LED will turn on when the temperature exceeds 25⁰C, and off otherwise. The LED will represent a fan that will be turned on through the relay controlling a power outlet when the temperature exceeds the threshold temperature. The instructors may bring the setup (relay, outlet and a fan or a load) for you to test the whole process, but the LED should be sufficient to validate it.

Part 2 – Water level sensor

	const int analogInPin = A0;
	int sensorValue = 0;

	void setup() {
	  // declare pin  to be an output:

	// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
	void loop() {
	  sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);
	  Serial.print("sensor = ");
	  else if((sensorValue>=301)&&(sensorValue<=350)){
	  else if((sensorValue>=351)&&(sensorValue<=400)){

Rewrite the program based on the following specifications:

  1. Calibrate the dipping of the sensor in a water container by locating the reading when the sensor is dipped to 1/5 and 4/5 of the total height of the sensor.
  2. Use the 1/5 reading so that the yellow LED will turn ON when the reading is below the threshold.
  3. Use the reading between 1/5 and 4/5 of the thresholds to turn ON the green LED.
  4. Use the reading above the 4/5 threshold to turn ON the red LED, and a buzzer to sound off (it will generate a tone when a high is applied to it).

You can assume that the 1/5 threshold is related to drought, and the 4/5 threshold is flood level. However, this sensor is not very practical as corrosion can lead to false readings after a long-time immersion in water.

Part 3 – Water level detection using an ultrasound sensor

	// Define the pins for the ultrasonic sensor
	const int trigPin = 9; // Trigger pin
	const int echoPin = 10; // Echo pin

	// Variables
	float duration;
	float distance; // Distance measured by the sensor
	float containerHeight = 10; // Height of the container in inches

	void setup() {
	  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
	  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

	void loop() {
	  // Triggering the sensor
	  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
	  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
	  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

	  // Reading the echo duration
	  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

	  // Calculating distance in inches
	  distance = duration * 0.0131 / 2.0; // Speed of sound = 0.0131 inches per microsecond

	  // Displaying distance on the Serial Monitor
	  Serial.print("Distance: ");
	  Serial.println(" inches");

	  // Checking if water level is reached
	  if (distance <= containerHeight-8) {
		Serial.println("Water level reached!");
		// You can add additional actions here when the water level is reached

	  delay(1000); // Adjust delay as needed

Execute this program based on your own parameters (Height of container, distance when full, pins…) to display Water Level Reached when exceeding the full threshold and use also an LED to turn ON during that situation. Play with the angle of the ultrasound sensor to find the optimum angle for highest accuracy measurement. Bring two empty cups (one to carry water, and the other to contain the water as it is poured in for measurement purposes).

In your lab report, describe the most relevant parts of your source codes.