ECE Undergraduate Laboratory
FED 101 - Fundamentals of Engineering Design

FED 101 - Fundamentals of Engineering Design

Lab 6: Arduino-Based Simple Programming cases

You are assumed to have installed the Arduino IDE, and you have acquired from early reading of the relevant documents, and the lecture how to write some basic programs. 

In this experiment, you will write programs to make one LED blink, to make 8 LEDs turn on, one at a time, at different rates, and controlled by the status of a switch, and implement the guess the pattern game using two switches and 2 two-bit numbers.

Parts List:

Part 1– Blinking LED

Use an LED protected by a resistor (100 to 470Ω) and write a program to make the LED blink once a second. Then modify the program to make it blink 5 times per second.

Part 2– Boardwalk wheel game

  1. Use the Arduino board, 6 LEDs and resistor packs to build the boardwalk wheel to light up the LEDs one at a time, every second.
  2. With the same setup, add a switch and a rate of lighting equal to 0.01 second to let the sequence run freely, but when you press the switch, it should stop the sequence to one of the LEDs that remains on, and you can think of it as the game winner if selected by an observer.

Part 3 – Guess the pattern game

In this part you set a number in your program to be matched by a user through the utilization of two switches, which when read by the program as the equivalent in binary to the decimal number stored in the program, will lead to an LED OFF if there is a match, and ON if it does not match. Note that the decimal number must be between 0 and 3.

In your lab report, describe the most relevant parts of your source codes.