Lab 1: Hardware and software checkout.
The goal of this experiment is to check out the rover hardware and to verify your understanding of the Arduino and how to program it.
The following are suggested tasks.
- Apply 12 v to each of the motors and check the speed of the wheels.
- Examine the outputs of the quadrature encoders on a scope and verify the waveform and phase relations. "Paste" the scope data into your notebook.
- � Determine the quad encoder scale factor (counts/revolution).
- Write an Arduino function to interrogate the up-down counters and thereby determine total angle of wheel rotation.
- Write an Arduino program to apply a 12v step in the same direction for a fixed time to both motors and determine whether the rover moves in a straight line. If not, record the error for later use in calibrating the system.
- Modify the program to record the step response (counter output). The step response will be helpful in identifying the dynamic model of the rover.
- Repeat the above 2 items for a steps applied in opposite direction.
Program listings, observations, etc. should be included in your notebook.