ECE Undergraduate Laboratory
ECE 294 - Analog and Digital Lab
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ECE 294 - Analog and Digital Lab
Laboratory Manual and Suplementary Notes
John D. Carpinelli
Marek Sosnowski
© 2017-2024, New Jersey Institute of Technology,
All Rights Reserved
1. Combinational Circuits
2. Sequential Circuits
3. Shift Registers
4. Counters
5. Design Project – A Gate Function Detector
6. Basic Electronic Instruments; The Oscilloscope
7. The Superposition Principle and The Thevenin Equivalent Circuit
8. Internal Impedance of Instruments; Influence of Instruments on Circuits
9. AC Measurements; Amplitude and Phase
10. Input Impedance of an Oscilloscope and the Scope Probe
11. The Diode and Diode Circuits
12. The transistor - Comparison of two basic types: MOS and Bipolar