ECE Undergraduate Laboratories
ECE 495 - Computer Engineering Design Laboratory


  • Appendix 2.1
  • Appendix 4.1
  • Appendix 7.1
  • Appendix 7.2

Appendix 2.1

Part 1

-- ECE 495 - Experiment 2, part 1
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;


PORT(X, Y:       IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
        M:             OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
        sel:     IN STD_LOGIC);

END part1;

           -- generate function for each spot in our 8-element vector
           M_G: for i in 7 downto 0 generate
                 -- function to multiplex the two inputs
                 M(i) <= (NOT sel AND X(i)) or (sel AND Y(i));
           end generate;
end apart1;

Part 2

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
      PORT(sel, U, V, W, X, Y: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
             M: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0));
END part2;

-- need signals for 3 outputs (one from each mux)
SIGNAL mux1, mux2, mux3: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
            -- generate the output signals for each of the muxes
            mux1_G: for i in 2 downto 0 generate
                  mux1(i) <= (NOT sel(0) AND U(i)) or (sel(0) AND V(i));
            end generate;
            mux2_G: for i in 2 downto 0 generate
                  mux2(i) <= (NOT sel(0) AND W(i)) or (sel(0) AND X(i));
            end generate;
            mux3_G: for i in 2 downto 0 generate
                  mux3(i) <= (NOT sel(1) AND mux1(i)) or (sel(1) AND
            end generate;
            M_G: for i in 2 downto 0 generate
                  M(i) <= (NOT sel(2) AND mux3(i)) or (sel(2) AND Y(i));
            end generate;
END apart2;

Appendix 4.1


ENTITY lcd_disp IS

PORT(reset, clk:                     IN STD_LOGIC;
LCD_RW:                      BUFFER STD_LOGIC;
LCD_DATA:                    INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0));
END lcd_disp;

ARCHITECTURE alcd_disp OF lcd_disp IS

TYPE states IS (hold, func_set, display_on, mode_set, write_char1,
write_char2, write_char3, write_char4, write_char5,
write_char6, write_char7, write_char8, write_char9,
write_char10, write_char11, write_char12,
                                        toggle_e, reset1, reset2, reset3, display_off,
        SIGNAL state, next_command: states;
        SIGNAL data_bus: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
        SIGNAL clk_count_400Hz: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
        SIGNAL clk_400Hz: STD_LOGIC;
        SIGNAL char1_data, char2_data: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
        LCD_ON <= '1';

-- bidirectional tri-state LCD data bus
        LCD_DATA <= data_bus WHEN LCD_RW = '0' ELSE "ZZZZZZZZ";

               -- must slow down clock to 400Hz for LCD use
               WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(clk);
               IF reset = '0' THEN
                        clk_count_400Hz <= X"00000";
                        clk_400Hz <= '0';
                        IF clk_count_400Hz < X"0F424" THEN
                              clk_count_400Hz <= clk_count_400Hz + 1;
                              clk_count_400Hz <= X"00000";
                              clk_400Hz <= NOT clk_400Hz;
                         END IF;
               END IF;
        END PROCESS;

        PROCESS (clk_400Hz, reset)
               IF reset = '0' THEN
                         state <= reset1;
                         data_bus <= X"38";
                         next_command <= reset2;
                         LCD_EN <= '1';
                         LCD_RS <= '0';
                         LCD_RW <= '0';
               ELSIF rising_edge(clk_400Hz) THEN
                         CASE state IS
-- Set Function to 8-bit transfer and 2 line display with 5x8 Font size
-- see Hitachi HD44780 family data sheet for LCD command and timing details
                              WHEN reset1 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '0';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"34";
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= reset2;
                              WHEN reset2 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '0';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"34";
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= reset3;
                              WHEN reset3 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '0';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"38";
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= func_set;
                              -- states above needed for pushbutton reset of LCD display
                              WHEN func_set =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '0';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"34";
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= display_off;
                              -- turn off display and turn off cursor
                              WHEN display_off =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '0';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"08";
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= display_clear;
                              -- turn on display and turn off cursor
                              WHEN display_clear =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '0';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"01";
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= display_on;
                              -- turn on display and turn off cursor
                              WHEN display_on =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '0';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"0C";
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= mode_set;
                              -- set write mode to auto increment address and move cursor to the right
                              WHEN mode_set =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '0';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"06";
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char1;
                              -- write hex character in first LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char1 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"48"; -- H
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char2;
                              -- write hex character in second LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char2 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"45"; -- E
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char3;
                              -- write hex character in third LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char3 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"4C"; -- L
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char4;
                              -- write hex character in fourth LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char4 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"4C"; -- L
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char5;
                              -- write hex character in fifth LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char5 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"4F"; -- O
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char6;
                              -- write hex character in sixth LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char6 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"20"; -- space
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char7;
                              -- write hex character in seventh LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char7 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"57"; -- W
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char8;
                              -- write hex character in eighth LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char8 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"4F"; -- O
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char9;
                              -- write hex character in nineth LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char9 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"52"; -- R
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char10;
                              -- write hex character in tenth LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char10 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"4C"; -- L
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char11;
                              -- write hex character in eleventh LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char11 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"44"; -- D
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char12;
                              -- write hex character in twelveth LCD character location
                              WHEN write_char12 =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '1';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"21"; -- !
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= return_home;
                              -- Return write address to first character postion
                              WHEN return_home =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '1';
                                   LCD_RS <= '0';
                                   LCD_RW <= '0';
                                   data_bus <= X"80";
                                   state <= toggle_e;
                                   next_command <= write_char1;
                              -- The next two states occur at the end of each command to the LCD
                              -- Toggle E line - falling edge loads inst/data to LCD controller
                              WHEN toggle_e =>
                                   LCD_EN <= '0';
                                   state <= hold;
                              -- Hold LCD inst/data valid after falling edge of E line

                              WHEN hold =>
                                   state <= next_command;
                         END CASE;
               END IF;
END alcd_disp;

Appendix 7.1

VHDL code for exp7_alu

-- CoE 485 Exp. 7
-- 8-bit ALU
-- Dr. Hou
-- result <= a + b, if op = 0
--        <= a and b, if op = 1
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library lpm;
use lpm.lpm_components.all;
entity exp7_alu is
port (a, b: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

op: in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
result: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

end exp7_alu;
architecture structural of exp7_alu is
signal add_result, and_result: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mux_data: std_logic_2D(1 downto 0, 7 downto 0);

alu_adder: lpm_add_sub

generic map (lpm_width=>8)
port map (dataa=>a, datab=>b, result=>add_result);

and_result <= a and b;
for_label: for i in 7 downto 0 generate

mux_data(0,i) <= add_result(i);
mux_data(1,i) <= and_result(i);

end generate;
alu_mux: lpm_mux

generic map (lpm_width=>8, lpm_size=>2, lpm_widths=>1)
port map (data=>mux_data, result=>result, sel=>op);

end structural;

Appendix 7.2

VHDL code for exp7_useq

-- CoE 485 Exp. 7
-- uSequencer
-- Dr. Hou
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library lpm;
use lpm.lpm_components.all;

entity exp7_useq is

generic (uROM_width: integer := 25;

uROM_file: string := "");

port (opcode: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

uop: out std_logic_vector(1 to (uROM_width-9));
enable, clear: in std_logic;
clock: in std_logic);

end exp7_useq;
architecture structural of exp7_useq is
signal uROM_address: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal uROM_out: std_logic_vector (uROM_width-1 downto 0);
signal uPC_mux_data: std_logic_2D(1 downto 0, 7 downto 0);
signal uPC_mux_sel: std_logic_vector(0 to 0);
signal uPC_mux_out: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal temp: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

temp <= opcode & "0000";
for_label: for i in 0 to 7 generate

uPC_mux_data(0, i) <= uROM_out(i);
uPC_mux_data(1, i) <= temp(i);

end generate;
uPC_mux_sel(0) <= uROM_out(8);
uPC_mux: lpm_mux

generic map (lpm_width=>8, lpm_size=>2, lpm_widths=>1)
port map (result=>uPC_mux_out, data=>uPC_mux_data, sel=>uPC_mux_sel);

uPC: lpm_ff

generic map (lpm_width=>8)
port map (clock=>clock, data=>uPC_mux_out, q=>uROM_address,
         sclr=>clear, enable=>enable);

uROM: lpm_rom

generic map (lpm_widthad=>8, lpm_width=>uROM_width, lpm_file=>uROM_file)
port map (address=>uROM_address, q=>uROM_out, inclock=>clock, outclock=>clock);

uop <= uROM_out(uROM_width-1 downto 9);

end structural;